After the completion of the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP-led NDA government is in power for the third consecutive time. On Sunday, Narendra Modi took oath as the Prime Minister. Along with PM Modi, the future ministers joining his cabinet also took the oath of secrecy. On Monday, PM Modi distributed the departments of the ministers and for the third consecutive time, Nitin Gadkari was given the Ministry of Road Transport. Earlier in the year 2014 and 2019 also, Gadkari was entrusted with this ministry. On Wednesday, senior BJP leader Nitin Gadkari took charge as the Minister of Road Transport and Highways.
Gadkari thanked PM Modi after taking charge
After taking charge, he posted on the social media platform X and thanked PM Modi. In his post, he expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for entrusting him with the charge of the same ministry once again in the Modi 3.0 cabinet. Gadkari said that under the visionary leadership of PM Modi, India will rapidly be equipped with world-class modern infrastructure.
Nitin Gadkari is known as the Highway Man of India, as he has played a role in the construction of more than 54,858 km of national highways in the country in 10 years. 67-year-old Gadkari has been the longest-serving Minister of Road Transport and Highways. Let us tell you that in 2009, Gadkari was appointed the National President of BJP, with this he entered national politics. On Wednesday, Nitin Gadkari reached the office to take charge. Ministers of State Ajay Tamta and Harsh Malhotra were also present with him.
Nirmala Sitharaman also took charge
Apart from Nitin Gadkari, Nirmala Sitharaman also took charge as Finance Minister on Wednesday. Sitharaman has been entrusted with the Finance Ministry for the second consecutive time. Earlier, she was given this charge in 2019. Finance Secretary TV Somanathan and other top officials welcomed Sitharaman on reaching the North Block office.
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