Help with search.php
Hello All
I need the search engine on a site I am building at the moment to display the searc
Issue Parsing XML into table
Hello all,
Im a bit new to php and new to phpfreaks. But thanks in advance for the help!
How to implement HTTP connection timeout
Hi All,I would like to implement an HTTP connection timeout.
I am working on a application wh
Problem with passing variables
I'm not really a php programmer so I'm really struggling with this issue.
I have a banner s
Need help in Generating Combinations
Need help generating all possible combination of names in an array
Lets say i have the follow
Web Application Recipe
Hi Guys!
I am working with the Web Application recipes. I am currently working on the sen
how to query data from website using VC?
I want to query some datum from a website,so I need a program to read data from a .csv file, and ass
ALV List Display to point to another report on Double Click
I want my ALV List Display to point to another report on Double Click on its line ite
Gerenate tabel in Php
I whant to generate a tabel takeing data from database like this one so the results to be display on
Can anyone view my code and tell me why im getting the error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpect