Check premium expire
I am making a simple file hosting site and want to check if users premium subscriptions h
limitations on array_unique()
Does any one know what/how imitations are applied to array_unique? I have an issue where no matter h
need help to creat database
Hello Team, please guys i am stuck from three days with paypal issue for IPN but no luck yet now i w
BAPI BBP_INB_DELIVERY_CREATE - material number missing in delivery
Hi Experts,
I was able to successfully create an Inbound delivery with reference to a PO
Hi, I have 2 seperate php files, and i want my $_POSt["fname"] To go into both of them, Fo
Problem with array max size.
Hi to everyone,
I've got a homework about filling a bidimensional array un spiral shape, I alre
Using Microsoft Exchange Server with PHP
I wanted to know if its possible to fetch email attachments from the exchange server usin
mysql timestamp manipulation
How could I use a timestamp (e.g 2009-10-30 13:20:35 ), and with php find out if it is:
Help With editting and deleting form
Hallo !!
So look at this image :
How to know if online site made with PHP
I see some sites that does not display extensions at all , for example: