Undefined Variable: PHP_SELF, pls help
Im a newbie on PHP / MySQL programming and Im running a script to search one field on my
XML Grouping
I'm using xml_parse_into_struct to get all my elements, but now I need to group them. For example, h
GET * FROM _____ Except?
I have a site that is for stock photography.
This section of the code calls images to display
Protecting forms
Alright, I want to protect some forms of mine from SQL Injections, because I had someone earlier spa
How to calculate days from variable date?
This will be easy for one of you gurus. I want to fetch the date from a variable date, for example:<
Material Master Update through BAPI - Follow up material not updated
Hi Experts,
I am updating the material master through a custom transaction using the BAPI
List/Menu Box
On an edit page when you want something to select what a user has previously selected from the datab
Allegro crashes when running load_bitmap. Why?
I can not get Allegro to load any BMP images. Here is a section of test code. The picture is in the
Escape Latin Characters
I need to escape latin characters in an xml doc. Example: "é" is escaped to "é". I thoug
Dynamic memory problem
At the beginning of my code, I have this line:
Shape* gShape = 0;