Help with email validation please...
Please could you help.
I have a register.php login page where users register, the detail
I want to use:
Code: if(mysql_num_rows($ergebnis2)==2)
how can the value 2, be
simplexml_load_file and rss problem
I have a problem parsing an rss feed using simplexml_load_file - this is strange as i hav
Website Direction...
I recently used this code to try and make it so the page loads as when you ty
BAPI BBP_INB_DELIVERY_CREATE - material number missing in delivery
Hi Experts,
I was able to successfully create an Inbound delivery with reference to a PO
HTML Email rec'd as Source Code
The code does create and send the email successfully. However, the message shows as html code and n
RFQ Configuration - can you make PLANT field an optional field in ME42
Is there a way to make the plant field on an RFQ optional in change mode (ME42)?
Good Programming and Web Design Books
I recived a pm today from a fellow phpfreaker regarding php books, i replied with the fo
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result
what is wrong with this
Code: [Select]<?php
Issue Parsing XML into table
Hello all,
Im a bit new to php and new to phpfreaks. But thanks in advance for the help!