Problems with returning true or false in eval()'d code
Hi guys,
Would appreciate some help with a problem when running eval() on a function that sho
how to configure ADS in ABAP instance
Hi All,
I am working on r/3 4.7 ABAP system.Can we configure ADS(adobe document services)
Php - mysql store data and use it later?
Hi, i' making a login page at the moment, however my username + password is stored many different pl
Typing math
I've added support for typesetting math using LaTeX on the forums.
Code: [Select]
Have a small problem and I'm not able to understand why I'm getting the results I'm getting... and i
Transform value 0 in no and 1 in yes help needed
I have this in the table: "value" type int 0 to represent false and 1 to represe
PHP - MySQL Fail
My PHP code will only execute the first part of my code...
Code: <?php
classic dynpro : hide area and auto adjust hights
I want to develop a similar user interface as is used in standard transaction MIGO.
"From field" in PHP email form
I used a wizard to create a PHP email form. I was able to customize it with the exception of the Fr
Confusing Functions
So, I've been reading up on Functions and I like them! However, I need some help using variables in