
Mother language
Teacher asked to the students, “Children, can you tel why do we call our language the mother tongue, and not the Father tongue?” One student

How to make girlfriend
Maths teacher: If you have 12 chocolates and you give 5 to Priya, 3 to Sonia and 2 to Neha then what will u get???? - - - - - - - - -

Brotherly love
Teacher asked to a student, “If you see a man beating his donkey and you go to stop him, what virtue would you be showing?” The student replied,

Lipstick prints on mirror
According to a radio report, a middle school in Oregon was faced with a unique problem. A number of girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put

Three english words
Ek teacher ne class ke students ko english ke 3 word likh ke lane ko kaha. Toh ek student apne ghar jaake mummy se poochta hai ke mujhe english ke 3 w

Essay on milk
Nutrition class teacher given home work to write 3 pages essay on milk. Next day all children bring the home work. One boy written only one page. The

This is not fair
Teacher asked to a student,”Rony if 2 & 2 makes four how is 4 & 4 ?” Student replied, “This is not fair teacher, you always do the easy

Father’s business
Teacher asked to the student: What is your father doing? Student replied: “Furniture sale business.” Then teacher asked again: “How is your f

Learning tense
Once the teacher was teaching tenses. Boy : Miss, what will be the present tense of samsung? Teacher: I don’t know. Boy: That’s very simple…

Be quite at church
A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, “and why is it necessary to be quiet in church?” L

Kitab kiska hai
Teacher: Yeh kitab kiski hai? Student: Sir, kagaj ki. Teacher: Yeh toh mujhe bhi pataa hai. Student: Sir, phir puchh kyon rahe hai.

T.V mathmatics
Maths teacher asks a boy what are 2,4,10,17. - - - - - The boy replies they are HBO, ZOOM, SONY and POGO.

Modern students
Teacher: U idiots! At your age Einstein ranked first in class. What about you? Student: Sir at your age Hitler committed suicide..! What about yo

Quotes converted…
Original Quote: If you love someone, Set her free… If she comes back, she’s yours, If she doesn’t, she never was…. Pessimist: If you

Different Noises
A group of young children were siting in a circle with their teacher. She was going around in turn asking them all questions. “Rahul, what noise do

Punctuation Is Powerful
An English professor wrote the words: “A woman without her man is nothing” on the blackboard and asked his students to punctuate it correctly..

When is there time to study?
It is no fault of the student because a year has only 365 days. Days in a year = 365 days Sundays = 52 days (Sundays are meant for rest) Days left

Birthday Present
Dad: Son, what do u want for ur birthday? Son: Not much dad, Just a radio with a sports car around it.

Times have changed
Trying to explain to a five-year-old daughter how much computers had changed, a father pointed to the brand-new personal computer and told her that wh

10 Fun Things To Do In A Final Exam
Here are the 10 fun things to do in a final exam. But beware, you’d have to be ready for the consequences too!! 1. If it is a math/science exam, an


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