
Member since 1st Jan 1970

Poet, Singer, Writer, Admin of

4 polls created

Admin's Posts:

Escape Latin Characters
I need to escape latin characters in an xml doc. Example: "é" is escaped to "é". I thoug

please hep to get values from a table row
can anyone tel me how I can select and get data from one row by pressing an Edit button in that row

How to get variable value on next page
Hello friends
i am working on payentry page ..there i have this code.........

scandir clients directory
how can i scandir the clients directory? i need a script that when i click a button it will u

Undefined index: username HELP NEWBIE
I am trying a simple login/logout for my website. It works well with checking if the username exists

MySQL Primary key gap
Alright, so I have a table with 26 entries in it (id, filename, caption) for my image randomiser (ht

Need help with a mail notify function
I was tasked with setting up a site that's been prewritten. The site is basically a form that captur

PHP Directory Listing Not working
Hey Guys,

I need help, I tried a ton of directory listing scripts and they all don't work. Al

Report Card
Eight-year-old Anita brought her report card home from school. Her marks were good... mostly A's and

The effect of leadership in management changes

When change is imposed.

Echo-ing MySQL content and Keep Formatting?
I have data in my MySQL such as:

QuoteBlah blah

Blah blah

but when i ech

please help me in this update statment
hi every one

if I have table and this data in it

id name

Problem assigning value to variable in "IF" function
Does this script makes sense? I am trying to take the value that is set to "authenticat" a

gmmktime or mktime
I live in the UK, i am within the GMT (with daylight saving time ie 1 hour difrence between summer a

Code Help.. If txt input box empty search X instead..
I am having a problem with my search script. At current it will simply search by a selected date whi

undefined offset help
Hi All,

I kept getting undefined offset PHP notice for a simple for loop. For eg
$va = arr

Comment Mod System Effects all rows...
Sorry if its confusing but here is whats going on: I have a table in a database called comments and

Need help urgant
why down my code ony return one item instead of all the items selected.

$arr = array($date,$

need to add "sizes" to shopping cart
Hey guys, I am trying to figure out a way to add a "size" selector on to this bit of code.

Fishing License
Banta was carrying a large fish in a bucket of water away from a lake, which was well known for its


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