Need help in Generating Combinations
Need help generating all possible combination of names in an array
Lets say i have the follow
Phase Error I can't seem to find :(`
Hey guys, I can seem to find my phase error on this. I am getting this error
Table colours fail when extra row added
Hey Gurus,
I got a weird problem with formating the colour of a table made in php. Everything
is this the proper use of mysql_real_escape_string() to prevent sql injections?
i was wondering is this the proper use of mysql_real_escape_string() to prevent sql injections? any
RadioButtonList data selection preg_replace question str_replace help Struct/union and scope problem! how do I show what a user have selected from a checkbox? Retreiving objects from Sessions
view plaincopy to clipboardprint?
I hope someone can help me with preg_replace.
I load two tables from an extern
Hey there,
I'm a PHP newb, I'm having troubles with the str_replace function. I want to clean
HI all , I have
in header.h
typedef struct Node Link;
/* ---------
From my code below, how would i show which check boxes have been checked and which radio buttons sel
Hi all,
I am getting really frustrated with storing and retreiving objects from a session. Bu