MS Exchange 2007 integration with ECC 6.0
Hello Experts,
We have ECC 6.0 and MS Exchange 2007. We need to integrate ECC 6 and MS Excha
Save data in input fields when they press "BACK BUTTON"
Hi, this is html form: And let's say they get a error "Please enter ur title must be more then
Coding Critique
I was hoping someone could take a second and look down my code and see if they see any problems with
str_replace help
Hey there,
I'm a PHP newb, I'm having troubles with the str_replace function. I want to clean
Was wondering if someone could explain this a little better to me. I had always assumed that it had
Send inserts to mysql thru port 80
I have an application that must do some inserts in a mysql db. This db is behind a firewa
help with insert
Hi there,
I am trying to insert some data into a database, but for some reason, it is not ins
MySQL issue
I am taking sentences through a form on page. Then checking some condition and trying to insert them
Windows 7
Windows 7 default user account control worries experts. Corporate IT departments should be pleased w
I need an iframe that calls up a different page according to the date
I don't know any php (only html) and I urgently need to do the following:
I need a