php sessions,logouts & the bloomin back button!
Hi All,
I've got a cms that members can log into. When they logout, the session is destroyed,
PHP Directory Listing Not working
Hey Guys,
I need help, I tried a ton of directory listing scripts and they all don't work. Al
database design
I got a page which allow candidate to type in their previous working experience,
I let
Hi all,
I am seeking reading note on the following in BW
Check Digits and extracting digits
I think I can figure out the code for this but I am having a very hard time getting past the first s
how do i make a string??
hey guys,
can someone please tell me how to put data from the glob function into a string
tell csv import script to ignore blank rows?
Hi i have the below script but i get an error if a row is blank ie a return in the csv file at the e
extract content from a website
i have written a code that will grab the content from the index page..
i would like to know how c
Need help with a mail notify function
I was tasked with setting up a site that's been prewritten. The site is basically a form that captur
Was wondering if someone could explain this a little better to me. I had always assumed that it had