how to get IP address?
hey guys,
i have this code which is supposed to get me the IP address of my site visitors:
What are the two different files you download to update kernel?
What are the two different files you download to update kernel?
Oracle Connectivity
Hi Every One,
Can we access SAP from oracle database.If it possible then please spec
RTF fomatting to email content
Im trying to sen an email with content is picked up from a rtf-file (file_get_contents('*.rtf'). Mai
Consuming MII WebService in Java WebDynpro
We are facing a strange situation...
We define a transaction in MII to
small inaccuracies
I have this code to convert fractional base 10 into base 2:
while($num > 0)
import table with dependency
What is the best way to import table back which has dependency?
SQL> cre
duplicate record notification
In my database, after insertion of records, I want to know if the record inserted is duplicate or no
Need help: how to catch acess of undefined class properties
Hello. I am learning OO with PHP and have hit a problem.
Some code runs as perfectly valid code,
Error with Font and imagettfbbox
I keep getting an error that says "Warning: imagettfbbox() [function.imagettfbbox]: Could not f